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The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) defines Living Labs as "user-centered, open innovation ecosystems based on systematic user co-creation approach, integrating research and innovation processes in real life communities and settings creating new solutions to complex societal problems. They operate as intermediaries among citizens, research organisations, companies, cities and regions for joint value co-creation, rapid prototyping or validation to scale up innovation and businesses”.


We are an auspice agency for community-led projects and initiatives.


Hot House Living Lab is about local people co-creating their community

in collaboration with influencial partners such as

government especially local government, and

local organisations in the community, health,

education, youth, environment, research

and social impact sectors.



Hot House Living Lab facilitates experimentation

and innovation in a playful, participatory environment

bringing together diverse communities and local stakeholders, to test out ideas and initiatives for real world outcomes that support communities to thrive.

  • We connect people from diverse backgrounds to new networks, conversations and activities.

  • We build local participatory eco-systems through thickening local networks. 

  • Networks of particular importance to the Living Lab are the spaces where community can actively participate, connect, learn and grow such as community centres, community sheds, parks and community gardens, libraries and local government.

  • We support people, groups, organisations to discover their strengths, explore their passions, share their skills and knowledge.

  • We are an auspice agency for community projects and initiatives.

  • We offer project and organisational governance, mentoring and advice. 

  • We gather stories and evidence from our collective experiences about what works in local communities and share our knowledge so others can thrive. 


Painted Leaves 2

Hot House Living Lab is an Incorporated Association ABN 30 447 196 721  


Statement of Purpose:


We aim to build strong, connected, thriving and resilient communities through community shed and neighbourhood house programs.


We do this by facilitating connections that prevent and alleviate all forms of social isolation, exclusion and alienation.


We support the development of positive mental health and wellbeing, especially as it relates to loneliness and other intersectional factors.


We deliver learning and skill development programs that support positive mindsets, builds on people's strengths and nourishes resilience.


We empower community members to collaboratively create and produce their own projects and initiatives.


Living Lab Committee of Governance:

Spase Veljanovski

Sandy Joffe

Helen Rodd

Tina Grimes

Victor Tasmakis


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